
An open letter to Jon Hamm's penis

Dear Jon Hamm's Penis,

I think it's high time to tell your main man to pull up his big girl panties and stop cryin' over all the attention you're getting. You're obviously fabulous. He's obviously green with envy and green's not his color. And hey, it's not like he's not benefiting from your studliness. I mean really, are there any men out there that are sympathizing with your man right now? Nope. Nada. Zilch. That would be none.

So my question to you is, is he really that private about his privates? Mr. Penis I think not. You know what I think? I think he's a little squeamish about being objectified. And for the record, women know a thing or two about body part objectification. And we're not impressed by Jon acting like a little girl. I would go so far as to say, it's kind of a turn off. And that my friend is not good for you. Whining is never an aphrodisiac. Good luck with that Mr. Fabulous.

a woman that used to think JH was hot

Reference article: Slate.com


How Sixteen Candles Ruined My Life

Let’s get this out of the way first, shall we? My love life isn’t exactly considered mainstream or even acceptable in some polite conversations. You won’t go to your local Cineplex and see the latest "it" girl starring in a heartwarming Hollywood rom-com with my name on it anytime soon. The crazy part? There is a happy ending, several in fact! But my happy endings aren't exactly the formulaic ones we were brainwashed with as sweet little girls. The crazier part? My happy endings just might be your happy beginnings.