Face it ladies,
online dating is here to stay. Me being me, I dove in head first, eyes closed
shortly after my divorce. In the immortal words of Yoda, "Try not.
Do or do not. There is no try". I didn't just try online dating, I ate it
for breakfast.
Being new to the digital world of dating, the learning curve was
pretty steep. And by steep, I mean a sheer cliff overlooking the dark abyss of
bad date purgatory. Lucky for me I'm a quick learner. Once I got the hang of
it, online dating was fun and proved to be a great way to meet new people.
Whether you're looking for your one true love or just want to hook-up with a
few Mr. Right-Nows, online dating can be a whole lot of fun and the best way to get
out there and mix it up.