
(Not) The Biggest Loser-White House Salad

***Not the actual salad. Sorry! Didn't have a pic on hand :\ 


My inspired version: I don't know about you, but I've seen this salad recipe everywhere. Rumor has it 'no one can get enough of the original version'. Not that it's not tasty. I mean who can say they know better than a White House chef how to make an amazing salad? It's like telling Wolfgang Puck, "Who needs your pizza, I got this". Still me being me, I thought I could yummify it. So my daughter and I did a little experimenting and came up with our 'Not' Biggest Loser-White House Salad. It's pretty spectacular if I do say so myself. The best part is you can toss in any fresh veggies that you have on hand and it's always fabulous. This is by far our FAV salad recipe!  


Warning: This Is a Rant

Keep scrolling if you're looking for rainbows and unicorns.

My girls have been without medical insurance since Oct. 2012 when their dad was laid off. As coincidence would have it, I was laid off about the same time. I can't afford insurance for us right now, so I applied for temporary health benefits from the state of Arizona. Unfortunately I was too upfront and honest when I filled out the mountains of paperwork and during each of the in-person interviews.


How To Banish Your Gorilla's Forever

So when you last left your heroine I was crushed remember?  That handsome guy that made my heart skip a beat every time I saw him was gone. For real gone. He moved to another state with barely a ‘good-bye’ and a pat on the butt like I was an old college buddy. And I was left crushed, which necessitated more wine and random dates than is generally thought acceptable.